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Répliques VO - Saison 1

#101 :

Johnny: I'm not going to Atlantic City with you, Bruce.
Bruce: Okay, okay, that Indian Casino in Connecticut is closer, just one day.
Johnny: No
Bruce: A few hours. Damnit, Johnny Boy, with your talents and my twenty bucks...

Johnny: Still teaching?
Sarah: Subbing now and then. I left to do something with my music.
Johnny: Good for you.
Sarah: I wrote some country songs, but it didn't work out - so much for being the next Shania.

Johnny: And who's President?
Bruce: George Bush.
Johnny: George Bush? Again!
Bruce: The son - long story. Damn, you missed O.J too, didn't you?
Johnny: O.J Simpson? Let me guess, he's Ambassador to the United Nations?
Bruce: Not exactly!


#102 :

Johnny: answering his phone: Hey Bruce.
Bruce: Your new brain must come with Caller ID
Johnny: What's Caller ID?

Walt: (to Johnny) By the way, Sarah wants to invite you to dinner. Say no, okay?

Walt: By the way, what size of boots do you wear?
Johnny: Ten wide.
Walt: Good, because right now, every cop in America would be saying you are the prime suspect.

Walt: Go out and find yourself a date, Dana. You'er not going to get any love around here.
Dana: I'm not here for the love, Sheriff, I'm here for the doughnuts.

Sarah: You don't have to go through this by yourself, Johnny.
Johnny: I have this amazing guy named Bruce, were doing biofeedback.
Sarah: And where was he when you had your tonsils out in second grade?
Johnny: Tonsils?
Sarah: And someone made you chicken soup that she made herself. You can't get rid of me, so get used to it.

Johnny: So, how did the two of you meet?
Walt: The hospital, actually.
Sarah: I was visiting you, and Walt's grandmother was dying.
Johnny: Yeah, hospitals are great places to meet singles.

Walt: So I'm supposed to round up all the usual, closet-smoking impotent suspects?

Bruce: Anything you want to tell me?
Johnny: Like?
Bruce: Like "I can see the killer and he's hiding upstairs in the hall closet."
Johnny: I don't have x-ray vision, Bruce.

Johnny : Sarah, I really need to be alone right now.
Sarah : No. I'm not leaving.
Johnny : It's a little new, you know. For you, it's been six years. For me...
Sarah : Oh.
Johnny : I do want to see you. Only...maybe... we should just... get out of the house next time... be around people... I mean, just for now. Until we all get used to the...
Sarah : Situation.
Johnny : Yeah.


# 103 :

Sarah : That girl reporter was at the school today.
Walt: What reporter?
Sarah : You know, what's her name? Redhead with the big....
Walt: Dana Bright?
Sarah : How did you know what I was going to say?
Walt: You said redhead with the big....
Sarah : I didn't even say what was big about her, and you said Dana Bright.
Walt: Girl reporter, redhead, the big...I'm a trained investigator.

Johnny : What are you doing here?
Dana: I can't resist a human interest story. You and I need to be friends, Johnny. Reporters like me are going to be part of your life now.
Johnny : Only, for fifteen minutes. Isn't that how it works?
Dana: You're good for at least twenty, if my hunch is right. (Edit)

(to his class)
Johnny : It's just plain Smith. But you can call me John, or you can call me Johnny, or if you're more comfortable, Mr Smith, or even hey you, anything as long as it isn't Smitty.

(Johnny is staring at a tree)
Sarah : Brings back memories.
Johnny : Morning
Sarah : We spent a few hours under that tree.
Johnny : We spent a few years under that tree - that was our tree. They should be paying us rent.

Johnny : Give me the keys, I want to drive...come on.
Bruce: My Cruiser?
Johnny : Time to get back on the horse.
Bruce: Get your own horse! Nothing personal, but I get nervous when other people drive my car, especially those who've been in a coma since their last time behind the wheel.


# 108 :

Johnny : Cute. Is that how we got the other kid that's running around here?

Johnny : Do you believe in miracles, Reverend?
Reverend Purdy: I'd have to, or I'd have to find a new line of work.


# 109 :

Conrad: You're the guy that sees things. (Edit)

Conrad: (talking about Sara) She's still got feelings for you.
Johnny : Why do you say that?
Conrad: C'mon, what kind of psychic are you? (Edit)

Conrad: Are you a religious man?
Johnny : I am today, Conrad. (Edit)

Sara: Don't do anything foolish.
Johnny : Yeah, that's me. John 'Don't do anything foolish' Smith.
Ecrit par amesoeur 
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